
Welcome to Mothers-in-Motion

We are a group of women, based in Buhoma (at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda), that are involved in weaving activities and training more women of underprivileged backgrounds, to empower them with these income-generating skills.

Below is the story of their founder, Jacinta (Jesent Kyompeirwe):

I Jacinta, I got the skills from my late grandmum Joslyne. When I was young I used to sit besides her, She could direct me how to weave baskets and I could always accompany her going to collect herbs and raffia’s to make weavings.
After my ordinary level of school , my parents failed to raise up school fees to me for another level. So  I decided to fully engage myself to weaving so as to earn my living. 
As I was known in my community as a weaver,  some women came to me, asking to learn how to weave. So I decided to teach them, as I also had a dream of making skill development in our communit, although I had no surpport. I persisted with my group until I got to know the Rafiki/SAHAYA organization that is currently facilitating us in selling our crafts. We decided to call our group as “Mothers in motion”.
Thank you Rafiki/Sahaya organization for your support. Long live!
Jesent kyompeirwe.

Jacinta, founder of Mothers in Motion

Below are some pictures of their activities and products. These products are available at the Rafiki art shop at Buhoma (on the main road, about 150 meters from the entrance of the park).

Recently, Mothers in Motion also started a soap-making business. The sale of soap helps them to purchase materials to prepare more baskets.

We welcome your support. Any contribution makes a difference.  If you are in the USA, your donation is tax-deductible via the California-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization Sahaya International.
You can go to our donation page and use the donate button there to make a credit card donation. Please indicate that this donation is towards Mothers in Motion.

If you prefer to donate by check, make your check payable to “Sahaya International” and add Mothers in Motion on the notes line. We will send you a tax receipt (please include your e-mail address with the check, if possible). Mail your check to:

Sahaya International
c/o Koen Van Rompay
1504 Portola St.
Davis, CA 95616

Watch this video below to learn more about the soap-making business:

(click on individual pictures to see a larger version)