Welcome to the Rafiki Football Clubs

The Rafiki FC was started in 2022, with 2 teams of boys (youngsters and adults).

In 2023, a girls FC was added! Scroll further below to see pics of the girls team! They are as motivated and committed as the boys!.

More information about them will follow soon.

They are in need of more materials (uniforms, shoes, training materials), and also to help cover expenses when they go to tournaments.

You can support us via the USA-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization Sahaya International. For donating online, you can use this donation form below. Your donation will be tax-deductible in the USA. If you like to donate by check, mail your check, made payable to “Sahaya International” with mention “Rafiki FC” to Sahaya International, 1504 Portola Street, Davis, CA 95616. Please include your e-mail address so we can e-mail you a tax receipt.

Many thanks for your support!



The adult boys team
The adult Rafiki FC (January 2024)
The younger boys team


The girls team

The boy teams (click on the individual pictures to see an enlarged versionO

The girls FC (click on pics to see larger version)

Registration certificate